Diseases and Conditions

Teen depression

Lifestyle and home remedies

You are your teenager's best advocate to help him or her succeed. In addition to professional treatment, here are some steps you and your teen can take that may help:

  • Stick to the treatment plan. Make sure your teen attends appointments, even if he or she doesn't feel like going. Even if your teen is feeling well, make sure he or she continues to take medications as prescribed. If your teen stops taking medications, depression symptoms may come back. And quitting suddenly may cause withdrawal-like symptoms.
  • Learn about depression. Education can empower your teen and motivate him or her to stick to a treatment plan. It can also benefit you and other loved ones to learn about depression and understand that it's a treatable condition.
  • Encourage communication with your teen. Talk to your teen about the changes you're observing and emphasize your unconditional support. Create an environment where your teen can share concerns while you listen.
  • Pay attention to warning signs. Work with your teen's doctor or therapist to learn what might trigger depression symptoms. Make a plan so that you and your teen know what to do if symptoms get worse. Ask family members or friends to help watch for warning signs.
  • Make sure your teen adopts healthy habits. Regular exercise, even light physical activity, can help reduce depression symptoms. Getting a healthy amount of sleep every day is important for all teens, especially those with depression. If your teen is having problems with sleep, ask the doctor for advice.
  • Help your teen avoid alcohol and other drugs. Your teen may feel as if alcohol, marijuana or other drugs lessen depression symptoms, but in the long run they worsen symptoms and make depression harder to treat. Talk with the doctor or therapist if your teen needs help to deal with alcohol or drug use.
  • Eliminate or limit access to items your teen could use for self-harm. This can include removing or securing guns, and removing sharp items, alcohol or risky medications in your home if you live with a teen who has depression.